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Paradigm positive attitude:

As Bertrand Russell said, "The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge". At OakEdu, the atmosphere is cool and you can be yourself without fear of being judged by peers. The usual school competition is replaced with emulation, a softer concept. What is important is to imitate, in a respectful manner, the fellow students who are achieving good results. The search for excellence, in a cooperative atmosphere, is the secret of the success of all OakEdu's activities. The trust between members is a more constructive way to "share" knowledge. Like "love", knowledge becomes greater when shared. It is not "consumable" that can be depleted over time.
Instead of the focus on direct immediate result of other educational centres, OakEdu's approach promotes deep and extensive knowledge. This orientation leads to an overall sustainable and stronger level of performance, but in the long run only. This is why there is no hurry, no pressure.

The motivation and interest of individuals are the energy on which the pedagogy is based. Self-confidence and a positive sense of self are prerequisites to make learning successful. The personality is balanced (new ideas are not a threat), proactive and welcoming to others. This is how the personality can develop in harmony with the society. A positive attitude helps individuals accept and move beyond any perceived negative circumstance. An enthusiastic facilitator or leader can make learning fun, promote curiosity, encourage interest in new directions and generally inspire. OakEdu aims at establishing a life long learning attitude in the student.

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