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Historical background founder:

Dr. Richard Nolasque is the founder of OakEdu. To complement his own skills and expertise, he has assembled a team of individuals, all equally very patient, dedicated, literate who specialize in the intellectual development. Richard has over 20 years of experience in evaluating, designing, developing and delivering innovative programs and services in Ontario and Western Europe. He has served in eight different learning centres in Europe, including vocational, private, municipal, urban and rural settings. Throughout his career, he has been active in coaching game clubs, even online, and in many other extra-curricular activities.
His first educational challenge was a struggle with the troublesome reluctant learners compared with the enjoyment of teaching smart kids. There were parents completely rejecting school/teachers on one side, the "we don't need no education" of Pink Floyd. And, on the other side, there was the blind naive acceptation of the current school system. Richard had a vision of what could be done in between: accepting the school as it is but with some complements. Identifying that nice Education theories were unsuccessful at dealing with difficult/gifted kids, he began creating techniques and writing his own thesis (Ph.D.), on the cutting-edge of the French scientific research in the field. He obtained his doctorate from the prestigious Social Sciences state university Pierre Mendès France in 1995 (certified as equivalent to a doctorate in the York University of Toronto). Previously, he was also awarded the title of "Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner" from Resources Institute (Belgium) and IFPNL (Paris) in 1993. These foundations accounted for many successful years of teaching. He has put all his experience into OakEdu's programs, following the Voltaire's idea of "une tête bien faite vaut mieux qu'une tête bien pleine" (a sound head is better than a filled head). He is a social entrepreneur, a knowledge explorer, an intellectual door opener and a personality developer.

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