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Holiday camp 2003 - activity report:
The two weeks tournament was mainly under the theme of water. Swimming two hours per day and heavy Blackbeard boardgame on the Carribean sea. The first days were about discovering the basic rules (in French) and game mechanisms. Then Joshua was the first player to emerge as a winner. The next sessions we usually ganged against him. Joshua won twice, Carolyn twice, Nadia once, Richard once and Norman once. The team had an amazing time losing pirates one after another, accumulating treasure and reputation enough to retire alive. We learnt the history of piracy in North Carolina a few centuries ago, what was the average cargo made of, the sea hazards, what was the life of pirates. We learnt diplomacy, basic navigation, resource management, risk management, ballistics, logistics, strategy, learning to learn. Congratulations to all players and thanks to Carolyn for keeping up the spirit of the team.
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