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Mnemonic technique:

To memorize a big lesson, focus on the sequence of elements to memorize. Divide it into around five sublessons. For each of them, imagine, open your mind, start to sketch out your mental images, the ones that come spontaneously into your head, the ones that make sense to you. Do as if you had to communicate with somebody not speaking a word of English. Choose the most striking, personal, provocative images. Apple, stick man, arrows, heart, hand, eye, clock, sun, rabbits are good examples. Simple line drawings, hand-made by yourself, are excellent ways to symbolize and gather the information because they are like pointers, anchors, flags, landmarks. At the time of recollection, the unconscious mind will rebuild all around it. If you cannot imagine a picture, as a last resort you can write a short word. Develop them in simple meaningful symbols, then write them down on a paper, in sequence. Try to find a symbol to represent many words instead of one symbol per word. Draw the symbols BIG, at least 2 cm high each, they are easier to remember. Make some symbols bigger than some others, to vary the look. Then memorize your own drawings and draw them again on another paper. Because the images come right from your mind, they are highly meaningful and very easy to remember. After you have gathered a lot of drawings, make sure they are consistent: use the same symbol for the same meaning always. Learning is then a more active process than watching television and more involving (you invent your own symbols).

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