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When a parent has the feeling her/his child:
- is falling behind in school,
- is having a difficult time at school,
- has gaps in knowledge, not mastering basic skills

then a Remedial program could be the good solution.
OakEdu's one-on-one care will undoubtly kick start a "back-to-work" reaction. At first, assessments will be conducted in order to determine exactly what is missing. A systemic approach will then analyze all elements currently explaining the bad situation. Some elements are in the home learning conditions, the parents and siblings have to support and encourage homework. Some other elements come from too much travel or disruption, it is then advised to promote stability. After those systemic structural adjustments have been initiated, the real remedial work starts. Remedial activities provide basic instruction to fill up gaps and weaknesses like Reading, Spelling, Phonics, Writing, Grammar, French, Science, Math... Intensive remedial action on the weakest subjects is conducted. This is hard work and will take time (years).

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