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Paradigm theories Steiner:

OakEdu follows some ideas of Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf school curriculum (but OakEdu discards all the controversial spiritual and theosophical aspects). We keep a few good principles:
- young children best learn through imitation.
- fairy tales are a good start.
- growth is driven by imagination and fantasy.
- children should be socializing, speaking, listening, and interacting with nature and people.
- television and videogames should be controlled, because human interaction is missing.
- computer exposure should be limited as long as reading, critical thinking, social and oral skills are not mastered, because human interaction is missing.
Steiner had identified the influence of the funding of schools by government on the type of education: driven by economic and social policies, not individual accomplishment. The consequence is competition and resentment instead of cooperation and love. At OakEdu, we promote "good" relationship among students, in a positive, constructive atmosphere. We focus on the free intellectual development of the student, within moral values like respect of the others and honesty.
OakEdu shares another principle with Steiner schools: the tutor commits him or herself to the care of the student for 6 years. The benefits of this commitment become obvious as the relationship between the tutor, the student and the family grows. The tutor and the student set out on the educational journey together.

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